Reveal your Divine Powers and Extreme Bliss

Yoga, Meditation and Magical Transformations

on the Rosewood Beach, Highland Park

The next meeting is on Saturday, October 1st, 4 PM

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You are going to be introduced to the ancient indian system of spiritual practice, Trika, leading to the full recognition of your Divine nature. After a short walk in the beautiful Rosewood park we will come down to the beach. Besides some non-intense yoga we will go through the beginner mental journeys. Click the name of the practice below to expand for details.

The Sanskrit name of this ancient practice is "Ashvattha Yatra". Yatra is a spiritual journey. Ashvattha is World Tree, the spiritual tree connecting all worlds. It exists in a different dimension so we do not normally see it. Unlike regular World Tree in many shamanic systems, the Ashvattha tree has its root upwards, and branches downwards. Growing from divine roots it creates all worlds including worlds of celestial beings, Earth and underground worlds of magic serpents and other beings.

In this practice you will get out of our normal dimension into the spiritual hyperspace where you will see this Ashvattha tree and will travel along its branches and trunk to different worlds.

The Sanskrit name of this ancient tantric practice is "Kadali Pushpa Bhavana". Kadali (with long "i" like "ee" at the end) means banana. Pushpa is "flower", and bhavana is contemplation. The whole name is "Contemplation of Banana Flower". This is a guided introspection and discovery of different layers of existence inside your being.

The Sanskrit name of this ancient tantric practice is "Vidya Yatra" or, if more localized, "Vidya Loka Yatra". "Vidya" means wisdom. Loka is world. Yatra is journey. The whole name is "Journey to the World of Wisdom". In this practice you transcend space limitations and travel beyond the physical realm into the World of Wisdom.

Then we will talk and describe our experiences. After it, you will learn about the spiritual system of Trika leading to the discovery of Divine powers and extreme bliss. Then we will play some drums or other musical instruments and have fun.

Who is teaching?

Uajal (pronounced close to "wahdjal" or "wahdgel") has practiced according to the Trika tradition for more than 20 years, travelled to India, studied from several teachers, translated texts of Trika tradition from Sanskrit, led groups of spiritual practitioners in several countries, and most importantly he has a practical experience of what he is teaching. He developed a unique system of spiritual exercises allowing people to not wonder among abstract philosophies but practically reveal Divine powers and extreme bliss.

If the weather is not appropriate (e.g. raining ) you should get an email at 1 pm with a Zoom link to an online gathering.
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